Nowadays, the public’s obsession with celebrity sleaze seems insatiable. The mere fact that gossip websites have been so successful is telling of a simple but unfortunate truth; we see far too little positive stories in today’s media marketplace.
Philanthropy and good deeds continue to be on the rise, and with charitable organizations becoming more accessible and interactive on the web, there’s a movement. There are People Doing Good™ everywhere – utilizing their knowledge, talent, resources, and leadership to make an impact – a positive difference in the world we all share. aims to be the catalyst for these stories, and ultimately the ‘go to’ source for philanthropists, Hollywood public relations and good organizations alike. We are a place for positive news in all forms, synonymous with ‘GOOD’ and known for compelling articles, interviews, videos and other forms of original content.
Our mission is simple: to shine a light on People Doing Good™.
Each day, we strive to produce informative and interesting positive online news stories. We want to challenge our readers to support and share our movement. At the end of the day, we are all responsible for what we allow ourselves to be a part of.
Our mission:
– To focus on the overall positive contributions of celebrities and other people of note.
– To showcase organizations worldwide specifically involved with charitable works and who publicly support corporate social responsibility encompassing (among other areas) energy conservation and renewable energies, environmentally safe products and manufacturing processes, and the humane treatment of animals.
Our purpose:
– Our news is informative with a positive twist.
– To promote corporate social responsibility by featuring executives and employees of “Good” organizations committed to making a positive difference in the world we share.
– To uphold an individuals’ right to privacy with the original content we produce.
– To increase awareness of global humanitarian causes.
– To boldly increase charitable donations worldwide.
– To redefine the overall tone of the media marketplace.
We are actively seeking your stories for interviews, documentaries and skits. Please contact for more information.