Tattoos for gang members are very meaningful. Each piece of body art has a specific origin and represents a bigger purpose. For someone looking to leave that lifestyle, looking at those images may bring back negative memories that they would prefer to leave behind.
Thanks to a few good people in Los Angeles, CA, these former gang members can get rid of these tattoos and fully move on from their past actions.
Over the past four years, inmates in the LA County Sheriff’s Department worked with a tattoo removal service to get their body art removed at no charge. This program is a joint collaboration with the Inmate Services Bureau, the Medical Services Bureau and Homeboy Industries, according to Good News Network.
Removing the tattoos gives these former gang members the opportunity to re-enter their communities with a fresh image and no connection to their old lifestyle.
To date, more than 2,200 inmates have benefited from the service, which is overseen by trained medical personnel. The services are supported by the Inmate Welfare Fund, which also provides health and educational needs for the people in the county jail.
As previously reported by Good Celebrity, there are more than 450 active gangs in Los Angeles with at least 45,000 members. These groups attract troubled youth and tie them into a life of violence, abuse and danger. Many youth turn to the streets because they believe that is the only option they have for their future.
There are other organizations in LA to help prevent this type of activity, include New Directions for Youth. Check out our post on this awesome organization to learn more!
Photo Credit: Flickr