I’d initially reached out to Dorothy Lucey requesting information on something she calls “Funlanthropy”, which intrigued me enough to poke her on Twitter. I’d remembered Dorothy from her many years as an entertaining celebrity dish personality on Good Day LA, and a few days later we were on the phone hashing out details on an interview that would feature one of the charitable causes she’s involved with called Mending Kids International.
Mending Kids International provides life-changing medical opportunities for children in need, all over the world.
After hearing first hand about the amazing work Dorothy and the rest of these folks I suppose ‘involved’ is an understatement.
To date, Dorothy has taken part in 6 medical missions with Mending Kids along with the surgeons and support folks that make all of this amazing stuff happen. That’s a half dozen times she’s boarded a plane and set out to an isolated part of the planet to do good stuff for folks she’s never met. (And that’s just on behalf of Mending Kids…)
She touches on the amazing places and incredible people she’s connected with all over the globe, in her interview.
Mending kids’ outreach consists of four core programs: international surgeries, where children with complex cases are transported to partner hospitals in Canada, Israel, and Canada; missions abroad, where surgical teams and volunteers travel to developing countries to perform surgeries and develop sustainable medical programs; hometown missions, where volunteer physicians perform up to 20 free surgeries in one day for children in the U.S.; and surgeries where children abroad are flown into the U.S. for complex surgeries and stay with volunteer host families.
Mending kids was terrific in providing us special footage for our piece, and our new friend Dorothy was an absolute delight to work with. We appreciate her opening up our eyes to all of the terrific work Mending Kids is doing, and hope you’ll watch and share this piece.
To learn more about Mending Kids International, please visit http://www.mendingkids.org.
Follow Dorothy Lucey, here.