Such an odd name for something that can very easily be confused. This revolution is one in which many people have chosen to go without shampooing their hair for long periods of time. According to many, this is the way to go, using alternatives such as baking soda and apple cider vinegar. Those who have taken on the challenge explain that it’s much easier to manage, hair becomes noticeably healthier and the days between the times you have to “wash”, grow. Now, typical and understandable questions come to mind about possible odors from lack of washing/shampoo, how healthy this really is, etc.

However, Katherine Martinko of claims she had only planned on doing this for a short period of time but liked her results so much, she continued with the shampoo revolution. Six months later, she swears by the change of treatment claiming, “I never dreamed I’d still be doing it, but here I am a staunch convert to the ‘no poo’ method with no intentions of going back. There are so many things I love about it.”

On the other side of things, however, some did not take to this trend quite like Katherine. Friend and fellow TreeHugger, Margaret Badore, also took part in this challenge and had different results. She explains that though Martinko’s results worked well for her full and curly hair, Margaret’s straight hair is prone to getting greasy easily and though baking soda worked wonders for her friend, it left her hair feeling a bit more dry than shampoo would normally leave her. She has since decided on using Dr. Bronner’s liquid Castile soap and loves it as an alternative to conventional shampoo. Moral of the story, to each his (or her) own when it comes to hair care regimens.