Caitlyn Jenner. Ruby Rose. Laverne Cox. These names have been making the world curious (take that as you may), for a while now. One of the latest Twitter frenzies is due to the news about Bruce Jenner’s transition to becoming “Caitlyn Jenner.” Some people are arguing it’s “unnatural” and that we’re born how we’re meant to always be. However, others claim it’s simply someone coming out of the shell they’ve hidden in their whole life. Something that shouldn’t be hidden, or discouraged.
It has since sparked mass debate because of Caitlyn’s recent win of the Arthur Ashe Courage Award given by ESPN/ABC. One way or another, one opinion or another, the only constant here is that transgender/gender fluidity is becoming far more common than it was thirty years ago. So what does this mean for future generations? Will this be completely commonplace or will it still be seen as “out of the norm”? Furthermore, which is the right way to go? Or is there even a “right” way at all?
Orange Is the New Black has added to this discussion when they had a surprise release recently that made fans go INSANE. However, more so than the release, it seems like OITNB fans (and even non-fans) have fallen in love with the newest character, Stella, played by Ruby Rose. If you’re not familiar with the alliteration laced name, then we must invite you to come out from the rock you live under because the newest inmate of Litchfield Penitentiary has many people posting to all social media platforms questioning their sexuality. Part of it is meant jokingly, but it’s also redefining how our society looks at sexuality. This show that has caused the creation of funny memes and a mass fan following has actually begun a ripple to a wave of debates. For those who don’t know, gender fluidity refers to people who don’t really associate with one particular sex throughout their lives, but rather seem to identify with one more than the other during different times of their life. Gender fluid people have both masculine and feminine interests and behaviors, expressing themselves as either/or, choosing not to be tied down to either.
So dear readers, what do you think? Are you team #rubyrose? Or do you feel like the world needs to slow down a little bit?
Feel free to comment below, but remember to stay kind.